Our Story
The beginning of our journey started by solving a simple problem, ‘How can we enhance the musical experience in alternative therapy treatments?’ It was this question that inspired one of our co-founders to install an audio system into a therapy bed. He discovered that this simple concept could unlock the potential of sound, music and vibration and make it available to everyone as a genuine healing modality.
Empowered by this vision Holistic Audio and Vibrasonic Technology were born. Three friends were forged together in the pursuit of this beautifully simple idea. Driven by the knowledge that they were unlocking the door to a world where music, sound and vibration could become integrated into present day healthcare; bridging the gap between western medicine and alternative therapies. On a quest to restore and add value to the perception of health, wellbeing and mindfulness and the role music has to play. We are driven to integrate music as a bridge between recovery, rehabilitation and prevention and to return its role back to a state of normality
Our Vibrasonic Technology utilises sound & vibration that delivers a truly immersive and connected experience. With the help of one of our partner companies we use a patented transducer technology to utilise kinetic transfer (bone conduction) that delivers vibration into the body like never before. Simply put: You become the speaker. With our trademarked audio configuration the user can truly experience sound and music therapy on a cellular level.
We believe that at its most basic, our products and music can greatly enhance any alternative therapy, relieve stress and anxiety and extend the beneficial effects of any treatment. It has proven to us time after time its positive benefits on neurological conditions such as Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, ASD, Mental Health, Stress and Anxiety. The connection it brings to the audio gives such a profound sensory feedback to all that use it, especially those with unique sensory needs.
Through our own research and supported by existing research in neuroscience, we are developing products and music to help with Neurological disorders like Dementia and Autism. We are currently working with local schools and care homes to design our systems in real-time. Our products can offer great reductions in stress and anxiety, promoting new neural pathway connection, releasing positive neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins (which in turn aids the immune system), stimulating the vegas nerve and providing non intrusive alternative pain relief.
We are developing cutting edge music with artists to write sonically advanced compositions. Using frequencies and musical systems that are believed to aid healing. Basing our research and ideas on chanting, polyphonic singing, five element acupuncture, chakra toning, and sound and music therapy we are developing a research based creative framework.
Holistic audio is designing and developing top quality, affordable, accessible products that are not only innovative but are simple and aesthetically beautiful. Using ethically sourced components, high grade materials and parts wherever possible. We are a conscious company and we endeavour to fulfil our responsibility to this beautiful planet and all its residents.
‘Usually in the late stages, Alzheimer’s patients are unresponsive,” Sugaya says. “But once you put in the headphones that play [their favorite] music, their eyes light up. They start moving and sometimes singing. The effect lasts maybe 10 minutes or so even after you turn off the music.’ – UCF
‘Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything’ – Plato